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扶轮基金会有一个捐献计划来协助您捐献. 有关慈善捐赠的税务优惠的资料, contact your financial advisor or Chelsea Thompson, Box Butte Health Foundation Director, at 308.761.3079. Your Inquiry will remain confidential.

Box Butte Health Foundation Programs


Box Butte健康基金会通过内布拉斯加州社区基金会建立了一个捐赠基金,以确保为后代提供高质量的医疗保健. An endowment is like a community savings account. 每年捐赠基金的一部分收入是博克斯比特总医院年收入的可靠来源, over and above patient-generated revenues. 捐赠的本金永远不会被使用,所以你的礼物将永远存在!

Jane’s Closet

Jane’s Closet是一个向癌症患者及其家属提供经济援助和安慰袋的推广项目. 资金可用于汽油、交通和膳食等费用. 您可以联系健康基金会办公室308-761-3079或Mary Goodell 308-761-3423,他们都很乐意为您提供帮助. 

向社区个人提供的资金总额为131美元,673, and a total of 335 individuals have been helped. 

Educational Scholarship Program

Each year, the Box Butte Health Foundation awards five $2,在IM电竞App官网的服务范围内,向在医疗保健领域(临床)攻读学位的大学生提供奖学金, financial, business). 受助人必须保持令人满意的学术成绩,并为全日制学生. 这个项目的使命是通过投资IM电竞App官网的青年教育和鼓励未来在博克斯巴特综合医院就业来“发展IM电竞App官网自己的”劳动力. 在以前的奖学金获得者中,25%在BBGH工作. Applications open on February 1st every year. 

Pay It Forward (Employee Payroll Deduction Program)

“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
“把爱传递出去”项目从员工那里募集捐款,用于资助项目, equipment, 为IM电竞App官网的员工和顾客创造一个更健康的环境. Employees are encouraged to give a minimum of $1.每年26美元,每天10美分. 2023年,共有203名员工参与,共捐款21,213美元. 

Gifts of Agricultural Commodities

农业商品项目鼓励当地农民和牧场主向博斯比特健康基金会捐赠玉米或牛等商品,而不是在出售商品后进行现金捐赠,从而节省大量税收. 当农业生产者将商品的合法所有权转让给Box Butte健康基金会时, 生产者销售该商品未取得应纳税所得额,但仍可以扣除该商品的全部生产成本.

BBHF Golf Classic

Every year since 2018 BBHF, its committee, 志愿者们举办了一场高尔夫精英赛,为博克斯巴特健康基金会筹集资金. 自创立以来,高尔夫精英赛共筹集了141828美元. In 2023 the event raised $32,903. Funds from this event have purchased:
   - Recumbent stepper for The Wellness Center
   - ID hour machine for the Laboratory
   - Bladder scanner for the Emergency Department
   - Hearing booth for GNMSS
   - 3张病人护理室躺椅

Community Outreach Grants

Apply to receive funds from BBHF: download the application
外展补助金旨在为符合使命和愿景的当地社区倡议提供资金. In the past two years, $13,已向地区(博克斯比特县)学校和组织提供了865美元. For example; Hemingford Volunteer Fire Department, Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran School, Alliance High School, Alliance Public Schools, and Activate Alliance. 

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